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Heyday On Mayday

The word, ‘Hard Work’ is inextricably linked with the improvement of one's life. It is not possible to improve one's life without hard work. In this world, the more industrious a nation is, the more developed it is. All the resources of human life are the contribution of this labor.

On this note, all the supporting staff members in the working fraternity at Auxilium were honoured on the occasion of Labour Day on Saturday, 30th April 2022 amidst loud cheer and applause. On this occasion, loads of good wishes, honest recognition and highest regards were showered upon all the supporting staff members on behalf of ACS family and school management.

The ceremony was witnessed by students and teachers with undiminished fervour. The indispensible contribution of the supporting staff members towards smooth functioning of the institution on a daily basis is really commendable.

In order to mark the ceremony on an unforgettable note, a short program was organized by the students to boost up the spirit of the subordinate staff members which included a short message from the principal and the teachers on the importance of ‘Labour Day’. Besides this, students and teachers entertained everyone through their prayer song, dance, singing etc.

On this occasion, the school management rewarded each member in the working class with a memorable souvenir wrapped in the sheath of love and affection.

Thursday, 5th May 2022